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ABD, insan kaçakçılığı ve mali dolandırıcılıkla ilgili iddiaları nedeniyle bir Kamboçyalı işadamına yaptırımlar uyguladı. Bu durum, bu tür suçlarla mücadele etme ve savunmasız nüfusları koruma konusundaki devam eden çabaları vurgulamaktadır. / READ MORE /
After Huione Pay received $150,000 worth of cryptocurrency from North Korean hackers, regulatory concerns have arisen in Cambodia. The implications of this incident are significant, as it highlights the risks associated with money laundering, terrorist financing, and other illicit activities. Authorities in Cambodia are likely to strengthen their regulatory framework to prevent such incidents in the future and to ensure compliance with international standards. This incident also underscores the importance of robust cybersecurity measures and due diligence processes in the cryptocurrency industry to prevent illicit transactions and safeguard the integrity of the financial system. / READ MORE /
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